July 2023 RIDEMON Service now available on RIDEMON APP
Press Release
Date: July 21, 2023
Contact: Maria Smith, Acting General Manager
Phone: (304) 296-3680
RideMon service now available on ridemon app
Morgantown, WV- Mountain Line has been providing the RideMon service to residents along the Mountain Heights (Rt. 14) and Grafton Road (Rt. 15) bus routes since May of 2022. The microtransit service has been provided through the Uber app however beginning Monday the service will have its own app called RideMon.
RideMon is now powered by Spare who created the while label RideMon app. The new platform allows riders within the zone to request a ride through the app exactly the way an Uber works only Mountain Line provides all of the service and it’s only $.75 cents. The Spare app also integrates with our local routes providing smooth trip planning from the RideMon service to the local route service. The three main connection points are Hornbeck Road Walmart, Mountaineer Mall and Sabraton Goodwill. Riders can also schedule rides for later dates or set up subscription service.
The app is available on both Android and iOS devices and can be found by searching “RideMon”. Trip fare will remain $0.75 cents per ride, per passenger. RideMon will operate from 7:30AM – 5:30PM Monday through Saturday. Local service on Mountain Heiths (Rt. 14) and Grafton Road (Rt. 15) will continue while we continue onboarding riders to RideMon.
More information can be found online at busride.org/RideMon. For information on all Mountain Line bus routes call 304-291-RIDE (304-291-7433) or visit WWW.BUSRIDE.ORG.
### End Release. Thank you.
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