Welcome to the Summary Page for Bus Service to West Virginia University provided through the Mountain Line Transit Authority. For more information on specific Campus routes, visit our WVU Campus Services page
Bus Service to WVU Faculty, Staff and Students has been prepaid. You can ride any local Mountain Line bus by swiping your valid WVU I.D. when boarding the bus.
The Grey Line traveling to Pittsburgh twice daily is the exception to this rule.
There are several routes which serve WVU facilities, dormitories and connect to local areas of interest. Full schedules of each route are provided on the individual route pages under Maps & Schedules . Printed schedules are available at several locations on campus including the Information Desk at the Mountainlair, many of the dorms and at various places around town. The Morgantown CVB is also a great location to find areas of interest and to pick up bus schedules.
Hours of Operation
Mountain Line routes operate at different times. Some late night service hours are extended on the West Run and Campus P.M. Routes until 3:00 a.m. on Thursday, Friday and Saturday while classes are in session during the Fall and Spring Semesters.
Our customer service line is open from 7am – 8pm every day of the week.
You can call for assistance at 304-291-RIDE (7433)
Catching the Bus
Buses will stop for you anywhere along the designated route. All you need to do is wait in a safe location and wave to the driver as the bus approaches. No need to hike to a bus stop to catch the bus.
The exceptions to this are West Run, Blue & Gold and Beechurst Express Routes which have been made Express in order to keep the bus on time. Grey Line is another exception to the rule.
Mobility and Other Impairments
All Mountain Line vehicles are accessible for persons with mobility impairments. Additionally, Mountain Line will deviate off of our regular route to pick you up for $0.50 cents. Deviations must be pre-arranged by calling 304-291-7433.