Unless you’re the adventurous type, it’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with Mountain Line routes and schedules before your first trip.
Route schedules are available at our Westover Terminal, the Public Safety Building, Mountain Lair, Mountaineer Station, and Senior Monongalians. You can also download them from our website by clicking
Each schedule has a map showing the route, and a timetable with each of the time points. On the front cover of each map, it shows you the name of the route and route number.
Let’s say you would like to travel from Morgantown High School to the University Towne Center. First, you'll want to find out what route to ride. You can find this by the short descriptions on the cover of each map, these short descriptions can also be found on our website, at the
Routes page, or you can call the depot at 304-291-RIDE
From the description here on the front of the Orange Line map, you can see that MHS is listed as well as UTC. Now that you know what route you’ll be riding, find your location on the schedule map.
On this map you will notice that the roads are marked as well as some popular locations. You can see here that the Orange Line services Westover, Morgantown Mall, and Star City. Once you’ve found MHS, notice the time point. it will correspond with the timetable below. Now find the location of your destination and note the time point there. On the time table, find your starting point and follow the times down to the time point that is convenient for you. This will be your departure time. Follow that row over to the time point column for your destination, and note the time there. This will be your arrival time. It will take twenty five minutes for you to reach your destination. Be sure to always be at the departure location five minutes prior to the time on this table to be sure you catch your bus. Most of our buses work on a flag down system, this means you can catch or depart the bus anywhere along the route. We simply ask that you be sure that it’s a safe place to catch the bus.
In order to keep a few of our more popular routes on time, they have been made into Express Routes. If a route is an express route it will be noted on the front of the schedule. You can only catch or depart the bus at designated stops on these routes.
The Orange Line hubs at the Westover terminal. There, riders can transfer to other routes that service other areas of Morgantown and Monongalia County. We’ll talk more about transfers in a moment.
The Orange Line provides service six days a week, and several times throughout the day. However, evening and weekend service may be limited, so be sure to double check if you plan to travel during those those time.
Planning your route is even simpler with an online planning tool from Google which is available by clicking
here. Just enter your location information, and you’ll receive step by step transit directions in your web browser or on your mobile phone. If you’d like to leave the planning to us, just call our customer service representative for assistance at 304-291-RIDE.
Local Mountain Line service does not operate on major holidays including New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Forth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas. There is no evening service on Christmas Eve. However, there is often extended service on New Years eve, so be sure to check our website for these services. We post this information on our Facebook Page as well. Our Grey Line service is the exception, this service travels to Pittsburgh every day, twice a day, 365 days a year.
Sometimes to get where you’re going you’ll need to change buses. This is called a transfer.
If your trip involves a transfer, tell your driver when you board the bus. This way, the driver can coordinate with the other drivers to ensure your connection. There’s no special rate for a transfer. Each ride will cost seventy five cents. However, if you plan on riding often and your route has a transfer, you may want to consider a fifteen ride or thirty day pass. These passes are sold at a discounted rate.
You may live near a route, but may for some reason be unable to get to where the bus can pick you up; this may call for a deviation. A deviation to a route within three quarters of a mile can be arranged under certain circumstances. You will need to call 304-291-RIDE, and fill out a
Call and Ride Application
two weeks prior to when you plan to travel. This will allow our staff to evaluate all options for you. We can make sure that our bus will be able to travel the roads to reach you, and be able to return to the route. Once your deviation is approved and when you're ready to ride, call 304-291-RIDE fifteen minutes prior to the bus arrival time, and we'll pick you up.
Where's My Bus?
How many times have you heard the expression knowledge is power? At Mountain Line, we’re always looking for ways to empower riders. We’re doing this through the web and new SMS phone text tools which help you manage your trips. Our tools track each bus and send text messages when it has arrived at a particular destination.
Users can access this information in a number of convenient ways. Using your favorite web browser, you can check your computer before you leave for work or class, and know instantly where your bus is. The Where’s My Bus? Tool will show you each bus and it’s location. The maps rotate between one that shows Morgantown, and one that shows close ups of downtown and the Evansdale areas. To find your bus, note the color of your route on the left or at the bottom of the screen. Then look for your bus number in that color on the map. To the left is the feed from our Twitter account M-L-Ticker. This will tell you if your bus is running behind. If your bus isn't listed, then it’s on time.
Twitter Live
Following your route via Twitter is easy; just text the route code to 40404. A list of route codes can be found on our website, along with messaging options. You can choose to receive a constant feed of texts letting you know where the bus is at all times, or you can choose just to receive the last text, letting you know how much longer it will be until the bus arrives at your stop. You’ll have to set up a free Twitter account to use this service prior to your trip. Mountain Line does not charge for text messages or mobile web services. However, you may incur air time charges or texting fees from your cell service provider.
Buses must occasionally make unplanned detours due to construction. Detour information and bus route updates are available on our home page at www.busride.org. We also post them to our Facebook Page. If you prefer, follow MountainLine on Twitter by texting "Follow MountainLine" with no spaces to 40404.