Mountain Line Volunteer Driver Program
Personal mobility is crucial as it permits freedom and independence. Imagine not being able to go to the store on a whim, go to the mall at a moment’s notice or even worse, not having reliable transportation to attend life-sustaining medical appointments. Every day in our community, individuals are lacking the necessary transportation for all of these functions and activities. Mountain Line Transit Authority is recognizing the need and is currently recruiting volunteer drivers who are willing to serve others in this capacity.
A Perfect Match
Volunteer Driver Programs are transportation services that pair a driver with a rider for a specific commute. The driver can set his or her own schedule and they can volunteer as many or as little hours as they choose. We ask that you set aside 2-3 hours per trip depending on location. The geographical area would primarily be in Monongalia County but could extend outside the county if the driver is in agreement.
How Do I Sign Up?
Signing up to be a volunteer community driver is easy! Mountain Line will guide you every step of the way to make sure you submit the right information and receive appropriate training. Volunteer drivers are reimbursed by mileage. Before taking trips as a volunteer community driver, you must meet the following requirements:
General Requirements
Equipment Requirements
Training and Skills Requirements
Who do I contact for more information?
Volunteering is a great way to give back to your community, gain new experiences and make a difference in the lives of others. If you’re interested in learning more about our volunteer driver program and how you can help, call or email today!
Kelli LaNeve
Mobility Coordinator