What is a vanpool?
A vanpool is a better way to travel to and from work. It consists of 5-15 people who commute together on a regular basis. One person volunteers to be the driver/coordinator of the vanpool and often rides for free. The riders share the cost of operating the vanpool. The group determines their daily schedule and route including one or more designated pick up locations.
Benefits of Vanpools:
◾24 hour road side assistance ◾No long term commitment ◾Guaranteed Ride Home Program ◾Save money monthly ◾Save wear and tear on your personal vehicle ◾Improve the air quality and help save the environment Subsidy options ◾$300 a month for 10 months OR ◾$500 a month for 6 months ◾To qualify for a subsidy, the vanpool must originate in Mon County or the destination has to be in Mon County. Vanpools can be in other counties but it would not qualify for subsidy ◾Vanpools work best for those who commute 15 miles or more (one way) to work