Mountain Line Transit Authority is proposing two changes to Route 29 Grey Line planned to begin August 1, 2024.
The first proposed change is to add a stop at Mountaineer Station on all 3 trips returning to Morgantown from Pittsburgh. The route currently stops on the outbound trip so this is to return riders to their departure location. This addition will not change any of the stop times.
The second proposed change is to push the evening trip back thirty minutes. The route currently departs Westover Terminal at 5:20 pm and we are proposing to change it to 5:50 pm. This change is to better align our service with Barons Bus I Ride 79 who will now be serving Parkersburg and arriving in Morgantown later than our current departure time. Our alignment will allow a rider from Charleston or Parkersburg to continue north to Pittsburgh on the Grey Line. This change will also push back our arrival and departure times at the Pittsburgh Greyhound Station and Pittsburgh Airport.
Mountain Line Transit Authority is proposing two changes to Route 29 Grey Line planned to begin August 1, 2024.
The first proposed change is to add a stop at Mountaineer Station on all 3 trips returning to Morgantown from Pittsburgh. The route currently stops on the outbound trip so this is to return riders to their departure location. This addition will not change any of the stop times.
The second proposed change is to push the evening trip back thirty minutes. The route currently departs Westover Terminal at 5:20 pm and we are proposing to change it to 5:50 pm. This change is to better align our service with Barons Bus I Ride 79 who will now be serving Parkersburg and arriving in Morgantown later than our current departure time. Our alignment will allow a rider from Charleston or Parkersburg to continue north to Pittsburgh on the Grey Line. This change will also push back our arrival and departure times at the Pittsburgh Greyhound Station and Pittsburgh Airport.
Public Hearing: July 17, 2024 | Noon until 2:30 pm
at 420 DuPont Road, Morgantown WV, 26501
Public Survey: is now closed
See below