Mountain Line Transit Authority service is accessible to persons with disabilities. Buses are equipped with lifts or ramps that enable persons in wheelchairs or persons who cannot step onto the bus to ride, have priority seating for persons with disabilities, and use automated announcements for stops and destinations. Our larger buses “kneel” to help passengers board. Operators are trained to assist riders use lifts and ramps, secure wheelchairs, provide information on destinations served, and announce any stop you request. The fare for persons with disabilities, seniors, and Medicare cardholders is half the regular fare.
You may travel with your respirator, concentrator, and portable oxygen. Service animals are welcome onboard buses and in our facilities. They must be kept under the control of the passenger at all times. Public information is available in alternative formats upon request.
You may also request to have a bus leave the route to pick you up or drop you off. This is called a deviation. Click here for information on deviations.