2016 Route Change Descriptions and Comment Form
The following provides a narrative summary of the proposed route changes. These changes are being proposed to reduce service in response to reduced funding from the Monongalia County Commission. The County Commission is eliminating its 2015-2016 fourth quarter contribution to the Authority. That contribution was budgeted at $114,125 dollars. The Authority must reduce its hours of service to maintain fiscal balance through the remainder of the 2015-2016 fiscal year, ending June 30, 2016. The Authority is proposing reduced service hours through the remainder of the fiscal year, beginning January 18, 2016. By beginning the service hour reduction in January, the necessary service reductions can be spread over two fiscal quarters lessening their impact on overall service.
Cassville Service Reduction
Service on the Cassville route is proposed to be reduced in frequency from 30 minutes to 60 minutes with the exception of the three highest (peak) ridership times occurring at 6:30 am, 12:30 pm and 2:30 pm. Overall, service will be reduced from 23 weekday runs to 15 weekday runs. Saturday service will remain unchanged.
The proposed Cassville service reduction will impact resident of the municipalities of Morgantown, Westover and Granville. Service to Granville and University Town Center will be reduced most significantly. All runs will depart the Depot and travel to Cassville and New Hill before proceeding to University Town Center, except the peak run times of 6:30 am, 12:30 pm and 2:30 pm. The peak time runs will stop at University Town Center before proceeding to Cassville and New Hill.
Orange Line Service Reduction
Orange Line service is proposed for major service changes, eliminating the Orange North portion of the Orange Line. Service will remain unchanged providing hourly runs through South Park, First Ward and the Mountaineer Mall, Monday through Saturday.
The proposed Orange Line service reduction will impact residents of Morgantown, Westover, Granville and Star City, but service changes in the Green Line and Purple Line are proposed to help mitigate the elimination of the Orange Line north service. Perhaps the most significant impact of this proposed change will be the elimination of all southbound service on Beechurst Avenue. Beechurst will continue to be served by the Blue and Gold, but passengers must ride north to Towers before proceeding south toward the WVU Downtown Campus.
Green Line Service
Service on the Green Line route is proposed to increase to help mitigate the Orange Line North service reduction. Green Line frequency from Morgantown through Westover to the Morgantown Mall will increase to 30-minutes. Service being added to the top of the hour Green Line will vary from bottom of the hour Green Line service in that it will not service the Westover Park and Ride lot nor will it serve the Morgantown Commons. These time savings are applied elsewhere (Pink Line) to help mitigate service changes and reductions system-wide. These changes are proposed for all Monday through Saturday service.
Pink Line
Pink Line service is proposed to increase by two runs daily and consistency. The proposed changes will also result in more consistent departure times Monday through Saturday. These changes are being provided as a benefit of the above mentioned time-cost savings realized through proposed Green Line service changes. The Pink Line is proposed to begin at 7:20 am and depart the Depot consistently at 20 minutes after the hour on an hourly basis. Saturday service is proposed to mirror weekday service unlike the current route configuration.
Purple Line
Purple Line service is proposed to be reduced by one run per day leaving downtown Morgantown on the odd hour with the first run departing the Depot at 7:00 am. Proposed changes to the Purple Line are the most significant of all changes and will affect Morgantown, Star City and Granville and will add service to the county area of Suncrest Town Center, an area currently unserved. Additionally, the Authority is proposing the passenger fare for this service be increased to $1 dollar based on the addition of new service areas. The Authority is proposing this new service fare increase as a method of increasing fares while creating minimal impact on existing riders in that only new service fares are being increased. The Authority’s Route Efficiency Study has recommended all fares be increased to $1 dollar from the current 0.75 cent fare, a proposal the Authority continues to evaluate for possible implementation in fiscal year 2016-2017.
The Purple Line service will depart the Depot then travel to Suncrest Town Center, on to Towers, then to University Town Center. This route will restore some service eliminated by changes in Cassville and the Orange North route serving University Town Center every other hour. This proposed route change also offers direct service to both University Town Center and Suncrest Town Center from the Evansdale area. Additional connections are available to downtown via transfer at Towers. This proposed change also provides some service to the Monongalia County Ball Park and provides consistent service Monday through Saturday.
Blue Line
Blue Line service was reviewed during a recent Route Efficiency Study and it was recommended that Saturday service be eliminated on this route. This proposed change will impact Morgantown, the Mileground, Point Marion Road and Canyon. Cost saving from this proposed service elimination is one of the keystone changes which would allow the Authority to implement all of the cost savings measures being proposed.
Grafton Road, Mt. Heights and Crown
Like the Blue Line, a recent Route Efficiency Study determined that these routes should not only be changed, but should be eliminated entirely. At this point, the Authority is proposing to maintain weekday service for these three routes, but to eliminate Saturday service on all three routes. These cost savings measures are also vital to implementation of the overall cost savings plan.
Downtown Mall PM
The Authority is proposing to change the times of the first Downtown Mall PM run to better align with other route changes. This change should have minor implications for passengers.
Gold Line
The Authority is proposing a minor timetable change for the Saturday Gold Line to better align scheduled times with actual arrival times. This change will assist in realignment of driver weekly schedules and will help facilitate some passenger transfers at the top of the hour at the Depot.
Moving Forward
The proposed changes are likely not sustainable over the long term. The Authority will be using reserves to subsidize these changes in an effort to minimize and mitigate these changes and their impacts upon our passengers. The Authority will likely proposed additional changes in service for the 2016-2017 Fiscal year beginning July 1, 2016. Service levels will be contingent upon funding sources and contributions. The Authority is submitting a proposal to the County Commission to offer an Excess Levy to assist in funding public transit services moving forward. Compared to other transit agencies across the State and across the country, Mountain Line is dramatically underfunded and operates without a dedicated funding source. Without a dedicated funding source, the Authority, its services and its passengers are placed in jeopardy from external funding changes beyond its control or ability to predict, respond to or mitigate in a timely manner, such as is the case in the reduction of funding from the Monongalia County Commission.
Public Comment Opportunities
Online Survey - Available from December 23, 2015 - January 13, 2016 Noon
One to One Sessions - Wednesday December 30, 2015 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM at Westover Admin Building
Public Hearing - Wednesday January 13th Board Meeting at 6:00 PM at Westover Admin Building
The online survey is no longer available.