Press Release
Date: Wednesday August 12, 2015
Maria Smith, Marketing Officer
(304) 296-3680
State Honors Mountain Line Transit
Morgantown, WV-
The West Virginia Division of Public Transit held its Annual Excellence Awards Ceremony last week in Canaan Valley and awarded Mountain Line in several categories.
Mr. William (Bill) Smith was awarded as the 2014 Outstanding Transit System Driver of the Year. Bill has been a driver for 24 years and is often Mountain Line’s Driver of the Month for his excellent customer service skills, knowledge and safety performance.
Mr. Craig Fox our Operations Supervisor was named Outstanding Transit Employee of the Year. Craig has worked his way up through Mountain Line beginning as a driver, he was awarded for his ability to bring out the best in our drivers and for the long list of improvements he has made since becoming Operations Supervisor.
Mr. Mike Cress was awarded our Outstanding Maintenance Employee of the Year. Mike has been with us since 2008 and has been an exemplary team member, key to keeping our fleet running and innovative with using his vast amount of skills to solve problems.
Mountain Line was also recognized for Best Safety Program, Best Maintenance Program, and Best Overall Marketing Program. Mountain Line also won the Best Management Innovation for the development of the Bus Finder Mobile App providing real time bus information.
Mountain Line would in turn like to thank Delegate Tim Manchin, the Key Note Speaker of the Ceremony for his support. Mountain Line would also like to welcome William Robinson the new Executive Director of WV Division of Public Transportation, we look forward to working with him in the years to come.
For information about Mountain Line call 291-RIDE (291-7433) during normal hours of operation or visit
### Thank you.