Press Release
Date: Wednesday, December 23, 2015
Maria Smith, Marketing Officer
(304) 296-3680
Mountain Line Announces
Service Reductions and Route Changes
Morgantown, WV-
The Authority Board will hold public hearings and consider service changes and reductions at their January 13 Board Meeting. Changes are proposed to begin Monday, January 18, 2016. Routes affected will include Cassville, Orange Line, Green Line, Pink Line, Purple Line, Blue Line, Crown, Mountain Heights, Grafton and Fairmont Roads and the Downtown Mall PM services. The Authority must reduce its hours of service as result of the Monongalia County Commission’s fourth quarter MLTA funding reduction of $114,125 dollars.
Passengers and interested parties can find full details of the proposed service changes and reductions at
and everyone is encouraged to visit the web site and comment on the impact of these changes. MLTA Administration will also hold one to one sessions with passengers at the 420 DuPont (Westover) facility on Wednesday, December 30, 2015 from 9 -11 am to case manage specific transportation issues caused by these changes. The Green Line and Orange Line will provide free rides to Westover from 8 am to noon that same day. The goal of these meetings is to find alternative service options where possible or make adjustments to route change proposals if possible.
### End Release. Thank you.