Mountain Line Service Expansions
Morgantown, WV-
Mountain Line Transit Authority is announcing service changes beginning Monday August 8th, 2016.
Routes affected will include Rt 3 Green Line, Rt 6 Red Line, Rt 9 Purple Line, Rt 15 Grafton Road, Rt 38 Blue & Gold, Rt 39 Beechurst Express.
Green Line
– This route will begin servicing Mylan Park, increasing frequency through Westover and to the Morgantown Mall. This is a levy funded service expansion that will run Monday through Sunday and includes new, evening service.
Red Line
– The Red Line will expand service in Star City, including service to Riverside Commons.
Purple Line
– New service will operate Sunday 11:00 am through 10:00 pm on Sundays, providing connections with the Green Line to Mylan as well as Sunday service through Westover, Downtown, the Evansdale Campus and Suncrest Town Centre. This is a levy funded service expansion.
Grafton Road
– In order to simplify the Green Line schedule, all southbound Green Line trips to the Mountaineer Mall will now be serviced by the Grafton Road route.
Blue & Gold
– This route will now run from noon until 9:00 pm on Sundays. The Blue & Gold route combined with the Green Line will provide Sunday service through downtown, Westover, Morgantown Mall and a Westover Terminal connection to Mylan Park.
Beechurst Express
– This Express route will travel the reverse of the Blue & Gold route Monday through Friday during WVU Fall and Spring semesters during select, peak ridership times between 8:10 AM and 5:50 PM. This route will service Towers, Evansdale Library, CAC, Beechurst, Life Sciences, Stewart St, University & Overhill, North Street and the Law School.
For information on all Mountain Line bus routes, schedules, and proposed changes, visit WWW.BUSRIDE.ORG.
### End Release. Thank you.